BPN: the enthusiasm of an international, dynamic and motivated team.

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Moldova, Mexico, Brazil, Italy. There are colorful flags from all corners of the world in the photo taken at the end of the Business Plane Network team building meeting in Sicily. 4 days in a splendid villa in the province of Palermo, in which there were moments of fun, relaxation in the pool but also work sessions, budgets and planning. “The group of 24 members that make up our BPN TEAM 24/7 – explains Arte Popusoi, founder and CEO of BPN – is the heart and the real engine of the company. All young people under the age of 35, dynamic and motivated, they are able to manage and solve any urgency or problematic aspect that arises in their countries because they speak local language and know local customs and habits well. It is our great added value “. The team members play a very delicate and important role: they coordinate more than 1,000 couriers who 24 hours a day, carry out emergency deliveries with reliability, speed and guaranteeing maximum safety. “The selection of each member of the group – explains Arte Popusoi – takes place above all for the human and professional qualities demonstrated. I have never done a real interview, examining curriculum vitae, but I am looking for passion, sharing of values and enthusiasm in doing my job in particular. I believe that human bonds are the glue of a company “.

Business Plane Network specializes in problem solving in every corner of the world. It has offices in Italy, Moldova, Russia, Mexico and will open in India next year. It deals with shipments of automotive components, luxury items and urgent medicines in a market that changes a lot according to the needs of the moment. “Before the Covid emergency – points out Arte Popusoi – we dealt a lot with shipments of urgent documents and automotive. Now these sectors have contracted and there are more requests related to the aog, “airplane on the ground”, meaning spare parts for the repair of aircraft due to the resumption of travel. The demands of the world of fashion and travel for medicine, vaccines, machinery or medical emergencies have increased; for example, we recently carried out an exceptional transport of stem cells from Modena hospital to Newcastle hospital”.

This article is a translation of the article published by Ansa and Corriere dell’Economia.